3 Mistakes To Avoid When Cleaning Your Custom Hardwood Flooring

3 Mistakes To Avoid When Cleaning Your Custom Hardwood Flooring

The day has finally arrived, and you have installed custom hardwood flooring throughout your home. At this point, you probably want to do everything you can to keep your new hardwood flooring looking great. To ensure that this happens, there are a few custom hardwood flooring cleaning mistakes you need to avoid making.

  • Letting Spills Sit- Thanks to the chaos of daily life, you might tell yourself that cleaning can wait when something spills on your custom hardwood flooring. However, if you wait too long to clean up spills, your flooring could become irreversibly damaged. The best thing to do is to commit to taking care of spills as soon as they happen.
  • Using the Wrong Cleaners- There are several cleaners that you need to avoid using when you clean your hardwood flooring. For example, you should avoid using vinegar, as this substance can dull the overall appearance your flooring over time. Additionally, if you use a steam cleaner on your floors, the excessive heat and water will severely damage your flooring over time.
  • Not Dusting Your Flooring- Dusting your hardwood flooring regularly is one of the best things you can do to prevent damage. If you let small particles of dirt and dust sit on your floors, they will get dragged around by people who walk on your flooring and scratch the surface

If you’d like to find out more about caring for hardwood flooring, give us a call at Craig’s Custom Hardwood Floors. We’re always happy to help!